Unfortunately, due to the large number of hotels we deal with, we are unable to confirm availability of rooms before we receive a booking request. If the room you request is not available for your required dates, we will do our best to offer you similar accommodation (either a different room-type in the same hotel, or the equivalent room-type in a similar hotel).
Demand for hotel accommodation in Moscow is increasing dramatically, and the hotel industry is struggling to match it. Many of our partner hotels are regularly booked out months in advance, especially during the summer peak season, and around large-scale conferences and exhibitions in the city. The situation has recently been exacerbated by the closure of several large hotels for reconstruction. In some cases, this means that hotel reservation departments are physically unable to deal with the number of booking requests they receive. We therefore strongly recommend that you book your accommodation in Moscow as soon as possible. If you change your mind later, you can always cancel your booking with Moscow Hotels completely free of charge (check your booking confirmation for cancellation details).
If we inform you that the room you wish to book is not available, that does not necessarily mean all rooms of that type have been booked for the dates you request. Some of our partner hotels, particularly the most popular, will only offer Moscow Hotels a certain number of rooms to sell at discount rates, and will retain a percentage of rooms in each category to sell only at their rack rates. If you do find the room you want available elsewhere, then you can be confident that it will be at a higher rate than the one we offer at Moscow Hotels. Please also bear in mind that the situation changes constantly, bookings can be cancelled, and rooms of the type you want may become available after we have tried to book for you. If the hotel in question has a waiting list, we will put your name on it, monitor the situation and keep you informed of any developments.
Moscow is an increasingly popular destination for tourists and business travelers, and the hotel industry struggles to cope with the number of visitors to the Russian capital, so many hotels are regularly booked out months in advance. If Moscow Hotels is unable to confirm your booking with your chosen hotel for the dates you request, we will let you know as soon as possible, and will suggest suitable alternatives. In some cases, we can be fairly confident that the room you have requested will become available, and we will put your name on the hotels waiting list for cancellations. However, we would always recommend that you book alternative accommodation as a back-up option. Bear in mind that you can always cancel an unwanted booking (check your booking confirmation for cancellation details).
It may be the case that, while your booking request cannot be confirmed for all the dates you request, a room of the type you require is available for the greater part of your planned stay in Moscow. If this is the case, we will recommend that you book the room for the dates available, and then try to extend your stay once you arrive. Cancellations are common, and hotels are more likely to find rooms for guests who are already staying with them. In order to ensure that you are not left completely stranded, we will also recommend that you book alternative accommodation with us for the nights which cannot be confirmed. Your second booking can always be cancelled free of charge later, provided you observe the cancellation policy noted on your booking confirmation.