The main collections of the Tretyakov Gallery on Lavrushinsky Pereulok (the "Old Tretyakov") are easily reached from the Historical Hotel Sovietsky by metro. From Dinamo Metro Station (about 500m from the hotel), travel south five stops on the dark-green line to Novokuznetskaya. Exit the metro via the interchange with Tretyakovskaya Station, then turn left then left again onto Ulitsa Bolshaya Ordynka. Take the first right onto Bolshoy Tolmachovskiy Pereulok and walk 100m down the street until you reach Lavrushinskiy Pereulok (the first turning on the right). The Tretaykov is at No. 10, to your left a few meters up the street.
How do I get from the hotel to the Tretyakov Gallery?
Historical Hotel Sovietsky
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