Overall Rating

The reviews below are submitted by our customers who have stayed at the Novotel Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport Hotel. If you would like to submit a review, please read the Customer Review Guidelines here.
Individual Ratings and Reviews

Posted: 3/4/2011
My stay in the Novetel Moscow Sheremetyevo was wonderful. I was totally impressed with the computer room for guest use. I felt a sense of security with the key card use in the elevators. My only suggestion is to add more hotel information signs and ads in English. Thank youRob Barrowman

Posted: 4/29/2006
Rob Barrowman
Having just had four nights there, I was pleasantly surprised by the experience. Try and get upgraded to an executive roon ( or book one) - they are well equipped and really quiet. Someone told me you could hear the aircraft from the rooms. I didn't hear anything from any room, including the bars. You can't say that at a Heathrow Hotel, or most other airport hotels I know of. Food OK, although you don't go to Moscow for the cuisine. Borsche Soup really good. It is a long way from anywhere - other than the airport - but shuttle buses are reliable (and free) into the centre. Traffic everywhere is horrendous so you are as well to book taxis from the hotel desk. They are actually cheaper than anywhere else. Service pretty efficient as well. No complaints on that score. Watch the telephone charges. They are horrible. Use Skype, you'll save a fortune. The odd hooker gets in there but they won't bother you unless you want them to. And in my case you most certainly would not want to. Good to talk to but that's it. Having said that Moscow is full of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. It is also full of aircrew so the hosties certainly brighten the place up. Other than the Aeroflot crews, most guests are Brits, Germans, and big on French as it is a French owned hotel. Overall pretty good value. Oh and the airport is a minor nightmare. Leave loads of times for check ins. Just because you are close don't think you don't need to be there a couple of hours before flight. You do.Martin Zelding

Posted: 7/10/2002